Suppose you are left with a 3 year old or even a 5 year old in this world and no one else. Say a nuclear holocaust left the world with you and this 3 year old. Suppose you were a great mad scientist who was on the verge of a path breaking medical research for cancer cure till the day before the holocaust happened.
What will happen to all that knowledge you had gathered and how will you use it? Will it matter anymore? Suddenly will you not find that the only companion you have is the 3 year old and for it, all those stuff you gathered do not matter.
This is definitely a stupid thought, but the point underlying this is that we hang on with our gatherings over time, burdened. We spend enormous time on things in life going into every bit of detail on something until a event which nullifies all of that or some other thing which is important than the one you were up to springs up. Let me call this as 'thing hopping'.
The more you have hopped from one thing to another, the faster it dawns on you that what you are up to is not permanent at any point in time. It changes like the flow of a river or passing of clouds. If you look back in your life, how many things can you point to, that looked like life changing at that point in time and yet you have come all the way here hopping more things?
Life is the flow through time and space. We are swirled around in space by clinging on to this earth and changes in things around bring the notion of time. The most visible perception of time is when I type on the keyboard while writing this. The energy makes things move. Energy could be a subtle form of matter and vice-versa. So several layers of matter from fine to coarse make up this existence and some layers appear as energy to make things flow.
In all of this I tend to make interpretations, observations, deductions of things around and create a another subtle layer of matter / energy which further puts me into the spin of space and time.
What is all this?
What will happen to all that knowledge you had gathered and how will you use it? Will it matter anymore? Suddenly will you not find that the only companion you have is the 3 year old and for it, all those stuff you gathered do not matter.
This is definitely a stupid thought, but the point underlying this is that we hang on with our gatherings over time, burdened. We spend enormous time on things in life going into every bit of detail on something until a event which nullifies all of that or some other thing which is important than the one you were up to springs up. Let me call this as 'thing hopping'.
The more you have hopped from one thing to another, the faster it dawns on you that what you are up to is not permanent at any point in time. It changes like the flow of a river or passing of clouds. If you look back in your life, how many things can you point to, that looked like life changing at that point in time and yet you have come all the way here hopping more things?
Life is the flow through time and space. We are swirled around in space by clinging on to this earth and changes in things around bring the notion of time. The most visible perception of time is when I type on the keyboard while writing this. The energy makes things move. Energy could be a subtle form of matter and vice-versa. So several layers of matter from fine to coarse make up this existence and some layers appear as energy to make things flow.
In all of this I tend to make interpretations, observations, deductions of things around and create a another subtle layer of matter / energy which further puts me into the spin of space and time.
What is all this?