This is just a thought and a little serious one lingering in my head for a while. Surely some of you might have done this or thought about this.
When you are in your forties, assuming you have done the standard things, you would be at the peak of your career, got all the best things in terms of pay or incentives and more money does not seem to be doing anything to you other than building a worry on how you would invest it with less tax implications.
Assuming the wife or kids are not in any way making you shudder, thats well out of the equation.
Assuming you have a house to live and a decent bank balance to take care for at least the near future, I tend to ask this question
What is making you get up in the morning, rush through your purification process and then appear in the so called office space to see the same other faces with the same smile or frown and think of getting that extra unwanted salary for that day and month and year?
If you do this, either you dont know what you want in life OR you know and you have resigned to fate OR you are a great cheater that you tend to like this and whatever ....
I would say, the joy of quitting one's monotony and just immersing in a new life where you suddenly have that "precious" commodity called "Time" in your hands.....My God, just the vision of it makes me like a new born!